In the intro I alluded to the approach, check for a number of known file types and conditions that can contribute to filling a partition. Basically I go to the partition and for each check I either include or exclude certain file types or include files greater than a certain size.
I've written a function that goes to a server and a partition on that server and checks for:
- Files bigger than 10MB Excluding SQL files
- All Office, pst and txt docs bigger than 100kb
- Log files bigger than 5MB
- JPeg and MP3 files bigger than 100KB
- SQL Backup Files
This normally accounts for most cases of wasted space usage. This can obviously be expanded or customized to your particular needs or environment.
The function writes a csv file with a list of the files for each condition, with Name, FileSize, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc and DeleteCommand as fields. This information helps to confirm that a file can be deleted or compressed.
The neat bit here is the DeleteCommand. Its really just the Del command, which will work in the command prompt window or in PS, with the full path and filename. Run this carefully though, no prompting of "Are you sure" will be issued.
Herewith the code:
Function Find-Files {
$a = new-object -comobject MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
$a.language = "vbscript"
$a.addcode("function getInput() getInput = inputbox(`"Enter Server Name`",`"Find Files`") end function" )
$s = $a.eval("getInput")
$b = new-object -comobject MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
$b.language = "vbscript"
$b.addcode("function getInput() getInput = inputbox(`"Enter Server Drive`",`"Find Files`") end function" )
$dr = $b.eval("getInput")
$c = new-object -comobject MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
$c.language = "vbscript"
$c.addcode("function getInput() getInput = inputbox(`"Enter location to save output`",`"Find Files`") end function" )
$d = $c.eval("getInput")
#$s = 'DIVSS108'
#$dr = 'e'
$sp = "\\$s\$dr$\"
$d = "$d\"
$L = 10*1024*1024
#All files bigger than 10MB
write-host "Getting Files on $s Bigger than 10MB excluding SQL files..." -foregroundcolor "Green"
$f = $d+$s+"_big_Files.csv"
gci $sp -recurse -exclude *.bak,*.mdf,*.ldf,*Full.rar | Where {($_.Length -ge $L)} | select Name, @{N=' FileSize';E={"{0,12:N0} KB" -f ($_.Length/1kb) }}, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc, @{Name="DeleteCommand";E={"Del "+'"'+$_.FullName.Tostring()+'"'}} | export-csv $f -NoTypeInformation
#All Office, pst and txt docs bigger than 100kb
write-host "Getting Office Files on $s bigger than 100kb ..." -foregroundcolor "Green"
$L = 0.1*1024*1024
$f = $d+$s+"_Office_Files.csv"
gci $sp -recurse -include *.xls,*.doc,*.ppt,*.txt, *.pst | Where {($_.Length -ge $L)} | select Name, @{N=' FileSize';E={"{0,12:N0} KB" -f ($_.Length/1kb) }}, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc, @{Name="DeleteCommand";E={"Del "+'"'+$_.FullName.Tostring()+'"'}} | export-csv $f -NoTypeInformation
#Log files bigger than 5MB
write-host "Getting Log Files on $s bigger than 5MB ..." -foregroundcolor "Green"
$L = 5*1024*1024
$f = $d+$s+"_Log_Files.csv"
gci $sp -recurse -include *.log | Where {($_.Length -ge $L)} | select Name, @{N=' FileSize';E={"{0,12:N0} KB" -f ($_.Length/1kb) }}, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc, @{Name="DeleteCommand";E={"Del "+'"'+$_.FullName.Tostring()+'"'}} | export-csv $f -NoTypeInformation
#JPeg and MP3 files bigger than 100KB
write-host "Getting Jpg & mp3 Files on $s bigger than 100kb ..." -foregroundcolor "Green"
$L = 0.1*1024*1024
$f = $d+$s+"_Jpg_Mp3_Files.csv"
gci $sp -recurse -include *.jpg, *.mp3 | Where {($_.Length -ge $L)} | select Name, @{N=' FileSize';E={"{0,12:N0} KB" -f ($_.Length/1kb) }}, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc, @{Name="DeleteCommand";E={"Del "+'"'+$_.FullName.Tostring()+'"'}} | export-csv $f -NoTypeInformation
#SQL Backup Files
write-host "Getting SQL Backup Files on $s ..." -foregroundcolor "Green"
$L = 0.1*1024*1024
$f = $d+$s+"_SqlBackup_Files.csv"
gci $sp -recurse -include *.bak,*.trn,*Full.rar | select Name, @{N=' FileSize';E={"{0,12:N0} KB" -f ($_.Length/1kb) }}, DirectoryName, FullName, CreationTimeUtc, LastAccessTimeUtc, @{Name="DeleteCommand";E={"Del "+'"'+$_.FullName.Tostring()+'"'}} | export-csv $f -NoTypeInformation
As you can see the function uses some old school VBScript stuff to get a input box. I could have used newer .Net code, but the VBScript code is short and sweet.
When the function is called you are prompted for the Server Name, the Drive and the location to store the output csv files. Make sure this location exists. I could have checked for the existence of the location and created it if it didn't exist, but this may create a folder in a location that can't be remembered or found if the location is typed incorrectly. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V for the location. ;-)
Happy cleaning and deleting.
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